Welcome to Qarshi University

Dr. Rashid Saif

Associate Professor
HoD | Head ORIC
Postdoc (Molecular Genetics & Bioinformatics), University of Bern, Switzerland, 2019
PhD. (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology), UVAS-PAK & University of Missouri-USA, 2015
M.Phil (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology), UVAS-PAK, 2010



Dr. Rashid Saif

Associate Professor | HoD-Biotechnology | Head-ORIC

  • Postdoc (Mole. Genetics & Bioinformatics), Uni. of Bern, Switzerland, 2019
  • PhD (Mole. Biology & Biotechnology), UVAS-Pak & Uni. of Missouri-USA, 2015
  • M.Phil (Mole. Biology & Biotechnology), UVAS-Pak, 2010

Dr. Rashid Saif is the Associate Professor and Head-Department of Biotechnology/ORIC at
Qarshi University, Lahore, Pakistan. He holds an esteemed ESKAS postdoc fellowship in
Molecular Genetics & Bioinformatics from the University of Bern, Switzerland, where he
researched selective sweep analysis using NGS whole-genome sequencing data in Capra hircus
at the Institute of Genetics.
Dr. Rashid earned his PhD in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology from UVAS, Lahore, Pakistan
with doctoral research at the University of Missouri-Columbia-USA. His work involved GWAS on
feline progressive retinal atrophy and mammary tumors using SNP-chip data and PLINK. Post-
PhD, he served as an Assistant Professor and later Associate Professor at the Virtual University
of Pakistan and Gulab Devi Educational Complex, Lahore, Pakistan. Dr. Rashid’s research
focuses on detecting genomic selection signatures and validating disease/trait-associated
variants in livestock and human species, developing bioinformatics pipelines for multi-omics
data analysis using Linux, R, and Python platforms/tools. He collaborates with institutions like
Langston University, the University of Missouri-Columbia-USA, the University of Bern-
Switzerland and the Tabuk University-KSA. His mentoring extends to undergraduate and
postgraduate students across diverse biotechnology, biochemistry, zoology, MLT, and
molecular pathology disciplines. Dr. Rashid has a significant scholarly footprint with ~55
publications in peer-reviewed journals of international repute along with 02 monographs He
has also presented his research at various national and international forums, including
conferences/seminars in Pakistan, Japan, USA, and Switzerland.

Work Experience

Duration Job Title/ Organization
April 2023 – Present Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Qarshi University Lahore, Pakistan
Mar 2021 -April 2023 Director-Research & Diagnostics, Decode Genomics, Lahore, Pakistan
Aug 2017 – Mar 2021 Associate Professor, Gulab Devi Educational Complex, Lahore, Pakistan
Mar 2015 – Aug 2017 Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology,  Virtual University of Pakistan (VUP)



  1. Postdoc award; Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship
  2. PhD award; IRSIP-HEC, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
  3. Summer Institute award in “Statistical Genetics” University of Washington-Seattle, USA
  4. The Hans-Sigrist Foundation Award, UniBe-Switzerland
  5. HEC Travel Grants for Pakistani Researcher- ABLS-2017, Kyoto, Japan
  6. Indigenous PhD Fellowship Program-HEC, Pakistan
  7. Keynote/Travel award ICNSET 2019, Sapporo, Japan


Industry Experience

Hatchery Manager, Sadiq Brothers Poultry, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Assay Development & NGS Adoption Consultant, Molecular Diagnostics & Medical Lab Industry

Research & Publications

Research Articles
Deep Learning Guided Prediction Modeling of Dengue Virus Evolving Serotype.               Zilwa Mumtaz, Zobia Rashid, Rashid Saif, Muhammad Zubair Yousaf.
Accepted: Heliyon, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32061
  Evolutionary Patterns and Heterogeneity of Dengue Virus Serotypes in Pakistan

Zilwa Mumtaz, Saeeda Zia, Rashid Saif, Faheem ul Haq, Muhammad Zubair Yousaf
Accepted: Evolutionary Biology, https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.28.559885

  Genetic Association of MSTN Variant (18:66493737T>C) with Racing Performance & Muscle Development in Pakistani Horses
Rashid Saif, Muhammad Hassan Raza, Muhammad Osama Zafar, Wajeeha Tariq, Muhammad Danish Ahmad, Muhammad WasimFuturistic Biotechnology: DOI: https://doi.org/10.54393/fbt.v4i01.89
  DNA Barcoding Application in Study of Icthyo-Biodiversity in Rivers of Pakistan

Asma Karim, Rashid Saif, Akhtar Ali, Beenish Nadeem, Hafiza Aqsa Ilyas, Waseem Sajjad

Inter. J. of Multidisc. Research: DOI: https://doi.org/gtppc6

  Genomic Selection Pressure Discovery using Site-Frequency Spectrum & Reduced Local-Variability Statistics in Pakistani Dera-Din-Panah Goat
Rashid SaifTania Mahmood, Aniqa Ejaz, Saeeda Zia Trop Anim Health Prod”. 55;331 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-023-03758-2
  MicroRNAs hsa-miR-222-3p, hsa-let-7b-5p, hsa-let-7f-5p Regulate their Putative Target Genes HMGA1and CDKN1B in Pakistani Breast Cancer Patients
Hafiz Muhammad Farooq Yaqub, Sehrish Firyal, Ali Raza Awan, Muhammad Tayyab, Rashid Saif, Mati-ur-Rehman, Muhammad WasimPakistan Journal of Zoology DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/20221124051117
  Whole-Genome Sequencing and Variant Discovery of Citrus reticulata“Kinnow” from Pakistan
Sadia Jabeen, Rashid Saif, Rukhama Haq, Akbar Hayat, Shagufta Naz
“Functional & Integrative Genomics”. 2023 Jul 8;23(3):227. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10142-023-01153-6
  Expression Profiling of microRNAs HSA-222-3P, HSA-LET-7B-5P, HSA-LET-7F-5P and their Putative Targets HMGA1and CDKN1B Genes in Canine Mammary Tumor
 Hafiz Muhammad Farooq Yaqub, Sehrish Firyal, Ali Raza Awan, Muhammad Tayyab, Rashid Saif, Mati-ur-Rehman, Muhammad Wasim “Pakistan J. of Zool., pp 1-7, 2022”,https://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/20221124051117
  In-silico Prediction of Azadirachta indicaCompounds as Potential Therapeutic Inhibitor of Lysyl Oxidase to Suppress Canine Mammary Tumor Proliferation

Mehroz Farhan, Rashid Saif, Iram Anjum

“Futuristic Biotechnology”, 3;2 (2023)https://doi.org/10.54393/fbt.v3i02.42

  Identification of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus Genes in Clinical Isolates
 Mouvez Zeeshan, Aqeela Ashraf, Humaira Niamat, Muhammad Danyall Mustafa, Laiba Riaz, Rashid Saif“LGU Journal of Life Sciences” 7;3(2023),https://doi.org/10.54692/lgujls.2023.0703290
  Computational Prediction of Nigella sativa Compounds as Potential Drug Agents for Targeting Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2
Laraib Ali, Rashid Saif, Muhammad Hassan Raza, Muhammad Osama Zafar, Saeeda Zia, Mehwish Shafiq, Tuba Ahmad and Iram Anjum
“Pakistan BioMedical Journal https://doi.org/10.54393/pbmj.v6i3.853
  Association Analysis of LCORLGenetic Variant (rs657074013A>AT) with Body-Height and Skeletal Frame in Pakistani Goats
Areeb Khalid, Hajra Ashraf, Hibba Asim, Maleeka Ayman, Rashid Saif
Futuristic Biotechnology: DOI:  https://doi.org/10.54393/fbt.v3i02.46
  Mathematical Understandings of Sequence Alignment and Phylogenetics Algorithms: A Comprehensive Review of Computation of Different Methods
Rashid Saif, Sadia Nadeem, Ali Iftekhar, Alishba Khaliq, Saeeda Zia
Adv. life sci., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 401-411, Dec, 2022http://www.als-journal.com/945-22/#abs  
  Computational Prediction of Cymbopogon CitratusCompounds as Promising Inhibitors of Main Protease of SARS-CoV-2
Tuba Ahmad, Rashid Saif, Muhammad Hassan Raza, Muhammad Osama Zafar, Saeeda Zia, Mehwish Shafiq, Laraib Ali, Hooria YounasFuturistic Biotechnology: DOI: https://doi.org/10.54393/fbt.v2i01.23
  Computer-Aided Drug Designing of Ocimum basilicumCompounds as Therapeutic Agents against RdRp of SARS-CoV2
Mehwish Shafiq, Rashid Saif, Laraib Ali, Tuba Ahmad, Iram Anjum, Anood SuhailFuturistic Biotechnology: DOI: https://doi.org/10.54393/fbt.v2i02.5
  Pathway Enrichment and Network Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Pashmina Goat
Rashid Saif, Tania Mahmood, Aniqa Ejaz, Saeeda Zia
Gene Reportshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.genrep.2022.101606
  Computational Prediction of Cassia angustifoliaCompounds as a potential Drug Agents against Main Protease of SARS-nCov2
Rashid Saif, Kanza Ashfaq, Ghafran Ali, Ali Iftekhar, Saeeda Zia, Muhammad Zubair Yousaf Advancement in Life Sciences”, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 36-40, May 2022,
  Detection of Whole Genome Selection Signatures of Pakistani Teddy Goat
 Rashid Saif, Jan Henkel, Tania Mahmood, Aniqa Ejaz, Fraz Ahmad, Saeeda Zia“Molecular Biology Reports” (IF: 2.316)https://doi.org/10.1007/s11033-021-06726-x
  Whole Genome Selective Sweeps Analysis in Pakistani Kamori Goat
 Rashid Saif, Jan Henkel, Tania Mahmood, Aniqa Ejaz, Saeeda Zia“Gene Reports” (IF 0.72),https://doi.org/10.1016/j.genrep.2021.101429
  Whole Genome Comparison of Pakistani Corona Virus with Chinese and US Strains along with its Predictive Severity of COVID-19
 Rashid Saif, Tania Mahmood, Aniqa Ejaz, Saeeda Zia, Abdul Rasheed Qureshi“Gene Reports” IF 0.72: 23, June 2021, 101139https://doi.org/10.1016/j.genrep.2021.101139
  Computational Prediction of Olea europaeaCompounds as Inhibitors of Main-Peptidase of SARS-CoV2
Rashid Saif, Ghafran Ali, Kanza Ashafq, Saeeda Zia, Abdul Rasheed Qureshi“Advancement in Life Sciences” 8 (2), 133-136http://submission.als-journal.com/index.php/ALS/article/view/1040/519
  The LCORL Locus is Under Selection in Large-Sized Pakistani Goat Breeds
Rashid Saif, Jan Henkel, Vidhya Jagannathan, Cord Droegmueller, Christine Flury, Tosso Leeb“Genes” 11 (2) 168 (IF:3.759), https://doi.org/10.3390/genes11020168
  Introduction to Galaxy Platform for NGS Variant Calling Pipeline
Rashid Saif, A Ejaz, T Mehmood, F Asif, SM Alghanem, TS Ahmad“Advancements in Life Sciences” 7 (3), 129-134
  Dog Coat Color Genetics: A Review

Rashid Saif, Ali Iftekhar, Fatima Asif, Mohammad Suliman Alghanem

“Advancements in Life Sciences” 7 (4), 215-224

  Selection Signatures in Goats Reveal Copy Number Variants Underlying Breed-Defining Coat Color Phenotypes
Jan Henkel, Rashid Saif, Vidhya Jagannathan, Cord Droegmueller, Christine Flury, Tosso Leeb“PLOS Genetics” IF: 6.02.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1008536
  First Step with R for Life Sciences: Learning Basics of this Supporting Tool for NGS Data Analysis
Rashid Saif, Kinza Qazi, Saeeda Zia, Tania Mahmood, Aniqa Ejaz, Talha Tamseel, Suliman Mohammad Alghanem, Adnan Khaliq“Advancement in Life Sciences” 2019: 6(4), 187-194 
  Molecular Expression of Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor (P21) in Canine Tumors
Saba Manzoor, Rashid Saif, Haleema Sadia, Sehrish Firyal, Muhammad Tayyab, Muhammad Mansha, Asim Khalid Mehmood, Abu Saeed Hashmi, Muhammad WasimJournal of Animal and Plant Sciences. (IF 0.529) 29 (4) 2019: 1127-1134  
  A Novel SNP (c.258+43C>T) in LPLGene and Association with Milk Production in Buffaloes
 Akhtar Ali, Zukhruf Baig, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Asif Nadeem, Tanveer Hussain, Rashid Saif, Maryam JavedJournal of “Buffalo Bulletin” (IF 0.096) 38(2) 2019: 327-333
  Use of CO1Gene Sequences for Computing Genetic Diversity Between Cirrhinus mrigala from Two Different Habitats (Farm and River)

Asma Karim, Rashid Saif, Faisal Salamat Ali, Zohaib Gil, Wajid Ali

“Journal of Fishries and Life Sciences” 3(2) 2019: 54-57


  An Overview of Genome-Wide Association Studies for Genetics Novices: A Review

Hafsa Tahir, Aniqa Ejaz, Tania Mehmood, Sidra Riaz, Rashid Saif

“Advancements in Life Sciences” 6(3) 2019: 88-96


  Applications and Efficiencies of the First Cat 63K DNA Array
 Barbara Gandolfi, Hasan Alhaddad, Mona Abdi, Leslie H. Bach, Erica K. Creighton, Brian W. Davis, Jared E. Decker, Nicholas H. Dodman, Jennifer C. Grahn, Robert A. Grahn, Bianca Waud, Jens Haggstrom, Michael J. Hamilton, Christopher R. Helps, Jennifer D. Kurushima, Hannes Lohi, Maria Longeri, Richard Malik, Kathryn M. Meurs, Michael J. Montague, James C. Mullikin, William J. Murphy, Sara M. Nilson, Niels C. Pedersen, Carlyn B. Peterson, Clare Rusbridge, Rashid Saif, Diane G. Shelton, Wesley C. Warren, Muhammad Wasim, Leslie A. Lyons“Scientific Reports” DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-25438-0 (IF: 3.998) 
  CO1gene based identification and phylogenetic analysis of two fresh water fish species Labeo gonius and Cirrhinus mrigala (family: Cyprinidae) from river Ravi, Punjab, Pakistan

Asma Karim, Rashid Saif, Zohaib Gill, Faisal Salamat, Akhtar Ali and Asem Razzaq

“MRJ of Agricultural Science and Soil Sciences” 6 (3) 2018: 24-31 (IF: 0.613)


  Molecular Characterization of EGLN1Gene in Fast and Slow-Moving Animals of Diversified Terrain

Rashid Saif, Naila Naz, Beenish Tariq, Ali Iftekhar

“Advancements in Life Sciences” 5(4) 2018: 171-178


  Single Nucleotide Somatic Variants of Tp53Gene in Widespread Neoplasms of Canis Familiaris
 Rashid Saif, Ali Raza Awan, Leslie Lyon, Barbara Gandolfi, Muhammad Wasim“Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences” 28 (5) 2018: 1329-1338 (IF:0.490) 
  Computational Proteomic Data Mining of Heat Shock Protein β1 using Mathematica Software
Rashid Saif, Saeeda Zia, Kinza Qazi, Fatima Asif, Aniqa Ejaz, Tania Mehmood, Talha TamseelMerit Res. J. Microbiol. Biol. Sci. 6(4) 2018: 043-053 
  Sequence Diversity of MAOAGene within Wild and Docile Animal Species
 Rashid Saif, Beenish Tariq, Naila Naz“Advancements in Life Sciences” 5 (3) 2018: 135-142 
  Targeted Pinpoint Gene Editing Tool, CRISPR/Cas9: A Review
 Hafsa Tahir, Rashid Saif, Talha Tamseel, Fraz Ahmad“International Journal of Biosciences” http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/12.5.101-117 
  Expression Profiling of Hspb1and Tp53 Genes through RT-qPCR in Different Cancer Types of Canis familiaris
Rashid Saif, Ali Raza Awan, Muhammad Tayyab, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Saeeda Zia, Muhammad Wasim“Iranian Journal of Biotechnology” (IF 0.973) DOI: 10.15171/ijb.1505 
  Genome-Wide Association Study of Cat Mammary Tumor using 63,000 SNP Chip through PLINK Data Analysis Tool Set
 Rashid Saif, Leslie Lyons, Barbara Gandolfi, Hafiza Maleeha Ahmad, Ramlah Ejaz, Muhammad Wasim.“International Journal of Biosciences” doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/11.1.75-82
  Genomic Data Mining through Python Language
 Rashid Saif, Kinza Qazi, Talha Tamseel, Saeeda Zia“International Journal of Biosciences” (IF 0.553) doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/11.3.116-125
  Glyphosate: Cancerous or Not; Perspectives from Both Ends of the Debate
Syeda Aamna Hassan, Farwa Akhlaq, Muhammad Tayyab, Ali Raza Awan, Sehrish Firyal, Waqas Ahmad Khan, Rashid Saif, Muhammad Wasim“Advancements in Life Science” 4(4); 108-112 
  Genetic Contribution of BDNFGene in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Pakistani Punjabi Population
 Javeria, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Tanveer Hussain, Rashid Saif, Sadaf Rashid, Hanan Sarfraz , Abbas Ali Shah , Muhammad Wasim1 and Muhammad AbdullahPakistan Journal of Zoology (IF 0.491), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/2017.49.4.sc7 
  Exploration of Novel Somatic Hspb1mutations in Widespread Neoplasms of Canis Familiaris

Rashid Saif, Ali Raza Awan, Leslie A. Lyons, Barbara Gandolfi, Muhammad Wasim

“International Journal of Biosciences” (IF 0.553) doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/10.5.265-272

  Mammary Tumor Associated Hspb1Mutation and Screening of Eight Cat Populations of the World
Rashid Saif, Leslie Lyons, Barbara Gandolfi, Ali Raza Awan, Muhammad Tayyab, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Muhammad Wasim“Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research” (IF 0.172),17(4);231-236https://doi.org/10.22099/ijvr.2016.3907  
  Hspb1and Tp53 Mutation and Expression Analysis in Cat Mammary Tumors
Rashid Saif, Ali Raza Awan, Leslie Lyons, Barbara Gandolfi, Muhammad Tayyab, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Asim Khalid Mehmood, Zia Ullah, Muhammad Wasim“Iranian Journal of Biotechnology” (IF 0.309), DOI: 10.15171/IJB.1480  
  Insight of Tp53 Mutants and its effect on Protein in Different Felineand Canine Neoplasms

Rashid Saif, Ezza Khan, Arooj Azhar Shahnaz Choudhry, Tanveer Husaain, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Ali Raza Awan, Muhammad Tayyab, Saeeda Zia, Muhammad Wasim

“Advancements in Life Science” HEC recognized “Y” Category, 3(2); 42-50

In silico Characterization of Hspb1Mutant Protein in Canine and Feline Cancers
Rashid Saif, Arooj Azhar, Ezza Khan, Shahnaz Choudhry, Tanveer Husaain, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Ali Raza Awan, Muhammad Tayyab, Muhammad Wasim

“Pak J.of Bioch. Mol. Bio. 49 (1) 2016:18-28


  Exposure and Vulnerability: Health related symptoms, attitude and practices towards handling agricultural pesticides among vendors of central Punjab, Pakistan
Muhammad Shahzad, Atif Yaqub, Muhammad Sheeraz, Rashid SaifBIOLOGIA (Pakistan), June, 2016, 62 (1), 57-67 
  Mitochondrial ATP6ATP8 Genes Based Molecular Diversity and Phylogenetic Analysis in Punjab Urial (Ovis vignei punjabiensis)

Tanveer Hussain, M. E. Babar, M. M. Mustafa, Rashid Saif, Fiaz Hussain, M. Aqeel, N. Naveed, M. T. Pervez, W. A. Khan, Ziaullah, S. Shahzad and A. Yaqub

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 25(3Supp. 2) 2015 Special Issue Page:311-317 (IF: 0.422)


  Polymorphic status of PRKAA2gene in Pakistani buffaloes

Waqas Ahmad Khan, Tanveer Hussain, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Asif Nadeem, Ali Raza Awan, Ambrin Fatima, Rashid Saif

“International Journal of Agriculture and Biology”, doi: 10.17957/IJAB/15.0149




  Genomic Exploration of Pakistani Buffalo – Our Black Gold

Tanveer Hussain, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Asif Nadeem, Rashid Saif, Wajid Ali“Buffalo Bulletin”, 32 (Sp. Issue 2): 658-661.  (IF: 0.067)



  DNA Fingerprinting of Pakistani Buffalo Breeds (Nili-Ravi, Kundi) Using Microsatellite and Cytochrome b Gene Markers
Rashid Saif, Masroor Ellahi Babar, Ali Raza Awan, Asif Nadeem, Abu Saeed Hashmi, Tanveer Hussain“Molecular Biology Reports” doi: 10.1007/s11033/011-0808-0 (IF 1.828) 
  Molecular Phylogeny of Pakistani Riverine Buffalo Based on Genetic Variability of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b
 Rashid Saif, Muhammad Wasim, Masroor Ellahi Babar“Molecular Biology Reports” doi: 10.1007/s11033-012-1835-1 (IF 1.828)